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XRT/table 2.0

KL Group Inc

XRT/table allows developers and end users to easily display andmanipulate tabular data in OSF/Motif applications. It enhances developerproductivity by enabling them to create data-entry forms and editablescrolled lists, quickly and cost-effectively.XRT/table is ideal for applications that access tabular text informationsuch as lists, information stored in databases and speadsheet data. Over120 resources allow fine control over table attributes, including fonts,colors, 3-D etching, labeling and sizing. The table's appearance andbehavior can be easily prototyped and modeled without recompiling byusing these resources. Changing a few resources enables programmers andend users to create virtually any display.XRT/table supports extensive user interaction. Resizing rows andcolumns, selecting cells and scrolling to a point within the table can bedone quickly and efficiently. Motif Drag and Drop is also supported.Also supported are Motif compound strings (which supportinternationalization), SYLK, ASCII and PostScript output. There are norun-time fees or royalites for distributing end-user applications builtwith XRT/table.XRT/table is internationalized: all X fonts, including 2-byte fonts suchas Kanji, are supported. A fully localized version of XRT/table isavailable in Japan, with Japanese documentation.XRT/table is available on Alpha/OSF, Alpha/VMS, DECstation, DG Aviion,HP9 700/800, IBM RS6, QNX, SCO ODT 386/486, SGI, Sun(TM) systems,Unix V.4 386/486 and VAX/VM. System requirements: XRT/table for Motifrequires 15 MB of disk space, OSF/Motif Release 1.1.x or 1.2.x and X11R4or X11R5 is also required.Display requirements: Applications built with XRT/table may be displayedon any X11 Release 4 or Release 5 compliant Window server including Xterminals, PCs and workstations running X Window Server software.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2,2.3 Solaris x86 2.0

KL Group Inc
260 King St E 3rd Fl
Toronto, M5A 1K3
Phone: (416) 594-1026
        (800) 663-4723
Fax: (416) 594-1919